Editor is edited by PAMCO SAS.
Conception & execution © 2011 - 2025
Editorial director : Pierre Ammeloot
Contact: pierre AT Gennus DOT org
Gennus provides an online genealogy service reachable from
Our services are based on data provided by users. Users are the ones and only ones responsibles regarding to the accuracy of data.
They can update their information at any time from Gennus by login into their account or by contacting pierre AT Gennus DOT org or by postal mail at the following address :
5 rue de Montribloud
69009 Lyon
As a result, can not be hold responsible for any issue between users.
The website is hosted by the company :
140, quai du sartel
59100 Roubaix
Personal data and updates rights
According to the French law number 78-17 of January,6th 1978 nammed "Loi informatique et liberté" (informatics and freedom), you have the right to access, update and delete any information about yourself, to exercise contact us by mail at :
5 rue de Montribloud
69009 Lyon
According to the French law on "propriété intellectuelle" (intelectual properties), all the editorial content and illustrations of this website are protected by the French legislation and international treaties. It can't be copied without the authorization of Gennus. The reuse of the editorial content, graphics, pictures of this website in whatever goal is stricly forbidden. However, the diffusion of information from this website could be envisage for non profit usage but only with the agreement of Gennus and only if the elements are not modified. Those authorisations can be granted on a case by case basis. Please, contact Gennus team. Any total or partial reproduction is forbidden without the agreement of the author.
According to the French law number 2004-801 of August, 6th 2004 concerning the protection of physical people against personal data processes updating the law n78-17 of January, 6th 1978, this website has been declared to the CNIL ("Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté" = French ITIL).
Its declaration number is : 1498929.
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- Tools, Options.
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Internet Explorer :
- Tools, Internet options.
- Confidentiality.
- Update the confidentiality level using the tool.
Opera :
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- Private life.
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Register > Create Family Tree > Enjoy!